About Me

I have been writing all my life, writing my first book, A Crown for Me, at age six. More recently, my work has appeared in Highlights for Children, Calliope, Learning through History, and Paper Gardens, a local anthology. Last summer, I was thrilled to final in the ACFW Kidlit Contest for my middle grade work in progress. My passion for history and other cultures was sparked by a trip to Europe at 14 and living abroad in the Crimea and Honduras. I now live in Oregon with my husband, two sons, and fiercely loyal rescue pup, who never tire of welcoming fictional people into our lives.

Photo by Todd Enzor

X: @enzor_jenni
Email: jennienzor(at) gmail (dot) com

My very first story :)


Little Known Facts about me:

1. I hate candy! (Crazy, I know.) I used to give all my Halloween candy to my younger sister.

2. I've had some interesting pets over the years: lop-eared rabbits, guinea pigs, hermit crabs, a snail (Princess Snailey), frogs, many fish (all named Mr. Swim), cats, and a beautiful cattle dog/German Shepherd named Max.

Me volunteering at our local animal shelter
3. I'm from a long-line of writers. My aunt (also a writer) recently discovered a manuscript from my great-grandfather. My grandma was a published poet. Both my sons are working on novels of their own.

4. I met my bosom friend Gail at age 6. We have continued to keep in touch--through snail mail--since we moved apart after graduating. Kindred spirits are forever!

 5.  Max is a rescue and doesn't like other animals or people. If we met in person, you could not pet him. But he's incredibly affectionate and loving with our family--and he loves Grogu.


1 comment:

  1. Wow. I'm impressed that you have lived in such intriguing places. I can see how that would help color your writing.
    Deb@ http://debioneille.blogspot.com
